Keep Credit Cards From Ruining Your Financial Life
There are people who find the idea of credit cards to be somewhat frightening. Replace fear with a commitment to succeed with credit cards. Credit cards are great for the times you want to buy something, but desire to not use cash to make the payment. The following article contains some valuable credit card advice. It is a good idea to have a couple of open credit cards. This is especially helpful when building a good credit score, but remember these cards should be paid in full monthly. However, if you open more than three, it may not look good to a lender when they pull your credit bureau report. If you apply for a store branded credit card, make sure it is a store that you shop at regularly. When a retail store inserts an inquiry onto your credit in order to qualify you for a card, this is recorded onto your credit report regardless of whether you actually open up the card. Excessive inquiries from those retailers on your report can drop your credit score. You surely wish to ...